In a shocking turn of events, Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena president Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi was brutally assassinated today in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The incident unfolded in the Shyam Nagar area of the city, where Gogamedi was shot inside his residence by unidentified assailants. The entire episode was captured on CCTV, revealing the ruthless and calculated nature of the attack.
Reports suggest that at approximately 1:45 pm, four individuals entered Gogamedi’s house and opened fire, leaving him with fatal gunshot wounds. In the chilling footage, two assailants can be seen firing multiple shots at Gogamedi, who subsequently collapses on the floor. Two other individuals, including one of Gogamedi’s security personnel, also suffered injuries during the attack.
Gogamedi was rushed to a nearby hospital, where medical professionals declared him dead. The Rajasthan Director General of Police, Umesh Mishra, confirmed the tragic incident, stating, “As per initial reports, four people entered a house where Gogamedi was present and opened fire at him. One of Gogamedi’s security personnel and another person were injured in the firing.”
Shortly after the assassination, gangster Rohit Godara, associated with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, claimed responsibility for Gogamedi’s murder in a Facebook post. It remains to be seen how this revelation will impact the ongoing investigation.
Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi was not only the president of Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena but also a prominent figure in the region. The Karni Sena has a history of activism and has been involved in various controversies in the past. The splinter group, Shri Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena (SRRKS), emerged under Gogamedi’s leadership, separating from the older Shri Rajput Karni Sena (SRKS).
The police are actively investigating the incident, and the motive behind the assassination is yet to be determined. The shocking nature of this high-profile murder has sent shockwaves through the political and social landscape of Rajasthan, and further developments are awaited as the investigation unfolds.
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