In a devastating incident, three individuals were fatally shot on Wednesday at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) campus, with a fourth person critically wounded. The suspected shooter was also found dead. The attack occurred just before noon, prompting a rapid response from law enforcement, which swarmed the campus located a short distance from the renowned Las Vegas Strip.
Students and faculty barricaded themselves in classrooms and dorm rooms as police worked to secure the area. The university issued alerts across the campus, with an all-clear given approximately 40 minutes after the initial report of an active shooter.
Details regarding the identity of the shooter and the motive behind the attack have not been released by authorities. The shootings took place in a city still grappling with the aftermath of the October 2017 mass shooting at the Mandalay Bay casino, which claimed 60 lives and wounded hundreds.
Students recounted moments of panic and fear as emergency alerts reached them. John Harris, a student, received an emergency text alert while in the campus parking garage after hearing a gunshot. “I knew what I heard was a gunshot, and this wasn’t a drill,” he said.
Professors and students took cover in classrooms, with Professor Kevaney Martin describing the experience as “terrifying.” As they awaited updates, the evacuation order came, leading to a rush of people leaving the building.
The University of Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) announced the closure of all Southern Nevada campuses for the rest of the day. The incident prompted reactions from across the state, with the University of Nevada, Reno expressing solidarity with UNLV. UNR President Brian Sandoval called it an “unimaginably sad and shocking day.”
The UNLV campus, home to over 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students, remains an active investigation site. The tragic event has left the community shaken, highlighting the ongoing challenges of gun violence in the United States.
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